Ballet classes

Your child can learn to carry themselves fluidly with the grace and effortless class of a ballerina. At the Prestige Dance Academy, with a combination of our brand new, state-of-the-art facilities along with our experienced dance instructors, we help young children and teenagers become agile, versatile dancers. Located in Flemington, NJ, our academy offers ballet classes to both male and female students ages 3-18.

Every ballet class begins with the barre, where students learn to balance themselves and practice with our award-winning instructors. Some of the basic movements performed at the barre include:

  • Plie
  • Tendu
  • Battement degage
  • Ron de jambe

The class then goes into the center of the room, where the students practice their balance and movement without the support of the barre. In the center they practice:

  • Port de bras
  • Grand battement

After practicing their movements and warm ups with the barre and in the center, the students then learn how to dance to both adagio and allegro. Adagio teaches students how to adapt to slow-paced music. Students will practice these exercises:

  • Arabesque
  • Attitude
  • Developpe

Conversely, allegro involves much faster movement, with livelier steps, turns, and jumps. More advanced students will practice the grand allegro, which involves rapid turns and jumps in classical ballet. Students will perform the following exercises during allegro:

  • Saute
  • Changement
  • Jete
  • Assemble
  • Pirouette
  • Fouette
  • Chaine turns

The Benefits of Ballet

Learning ballet from a young age is crucial to shaping a student’s abilities and potential. Young children enrolled in ballet classes learn essential skills that will help them find success both in dance and in life. They learn to follow instructions, they gain a sense of self discipline, and they develop their thinking as well as physical abilities by learning how to coordinate their body’s movements. Most of all, with our featured performances at the end of each quarter, students learn how to feel comfortable and confident in front of crowds, heightening their social abilities and self-esteem.

Enroll Your Child

Even if registration for this current session is no longer open, it is never too late to enroll your child in a class that will help them for a lifetime. At Prestige Dance Academy, our large, pristine facilities allow us to teach more students than ever before in Flemington, NJ. Ballet classes are still open for enrollment later this year. Contact us to get your child registered.